Sébastien Pelon lives and works in Paris. He graduated from the Duperré Superior School of Applied Arts (BTS Visual Communication, DSAA Fashion and Environment).
He worked for several years at Père Castor Flammarion's studio. Today a freelance graphic designer and illustrator, he regularly collaborates with Flammarion, Rue de Sèvres, Nathan, Magnard, Milan, Rageot, Gallimard… He has illustrated numerous albums, classic tales, covers or series, notably Matriochka, La Befana, La Mamani, Robin des bois, Sinbad the sailor, Nitou
Flammarion, Gallimard, Nathan, Rue de Sèvres, École des Loisirs, Bayard, Magnard, J’ai Lu, Albin Michel, Hachette, Gautier Languereau, Quarto, Rageot…
Le Parisien, Santé magazine , le Mook Autrement, Management magazine.
Danival , Hermès, Paris je t’aime, Conseil d’état, Lonsdale, Orange, Groupe Bussière.