Born in Laval, (the city at the palindrome), I studied industrial design at the School of Design Nantes Atlantique.
Touch everything, I move towards graphics as soon as I graduate in pocket. I am going to settle in Budapest for 4 years, then near London for 2 years. I come back to France and put down my suitcases under the Provence sun in 2010, where I settle in freelance graphic designer / illustrator.
A fan of Audiard’s films from an early age, and having lived in Nantes for a few years, I became Lulu la Nantaise.
N.A Addicts
Mardi Matin
Sous le Lampion
Caroline de Benoist
L'appartement Parisien
Les vins AOC Ventoux
Bonfils Immobilier
Thibault Bergeron
cache cache
Sécurité routière