Leslie Plée was born in Paris in 1980. At the time, there was no Netflix, so when she was bored, she drew and told stories often full of dramas. Later, to survive adolescence, she played the humor card to be appreciated. After studying at the Estienne school, she had a doubt about the direction of her life. She became a bookseller. Then everything overlapped like pieces of a puzzle. She began to tell on her blog (remember the blogs) by drawing with humor her daily life as a bookseller. Spotted by Pénélope Bagieu, this story became "Me alive, you will never have a break." published today by Delcourt editions. Since then, she recounts her daily life, her adolescence, her cat, her neuroses in comics. In recent years she has worked for Arte making summaries of The walking dead and The handmaid's tale. She wrote "Becoming Zen for Dummies" because it makes sense when one is over anxious. And "Since I have a baby, my eyelids have filed for bankruptcy" at First talks about her debut as a very tired mom. She also works for illustration. In 2019, she collaborates with Jamy Gourmaud for the book "Tu lui dit Jamy!" Stock editions. From the start of the 2020 academic year, she becomes the illustrator of the student's agenda.